
This is a love/hate song to Paris in the form of a break-up letter by French singer Camille.

The word pari is pronounced exactly like the city-‘Paree’ to English ears- and means ‘bet’.
Un pari: a bet. And the verb parier, ‘to bet’ is derived from it.
In this song Camille bets that she can leave Paris. She threatens the city of dumping it. It’s over, it’s finished! C’est fini! Or is it?..
Have a listen and use the translation below if you need to.


Fini les balades: I’m done (finished) with the strolls.
Le long du canal: Along the canal
Les escaliers des cartes postales: The staircases in postcards.
C’est fini Paris: Paris, it’s over.
C’est décidé je me barre: I’ve made up my mind, I’m out of here.

Fini le ciel gris: Done with the grey sky.
Les matins moroses: The morose mornings
On dit qu’à Toulouse les briques sont roses: They say the bricks are pink in Toulouse.
Oh là bas, Paris, les briques sont roses: Oh over there, Paris, the bricks are pink.

Paris tu paries Paris que je te quitte: Paris, wanna bet Paris that I’ll leave you.
Que je change: That I’ll change.
De cap de capitale: Of cape of capital
Paris tu paries Paris que je te quitte: Paris, wanna bet Paris I’ll leave you.
Que je te plaque: That I’ll dump you.
Sur tes trottoirs sales: On your dirty pavements

Je connais trop ta bouche: I know your mouth too well
Bouche de métro: Metro mouth (metro entrance)
Les bateaux mouche et la couleur de l’eau: The ‘bateaux mouche’ (tour boats on the Seine) and the colour of the water.
C’est fini, Paris: Paris, it’s over.
Je les connais trop: I know them too well
Ici je m’ennuie: I am bored here.
Même quand vient la nuit: Even when night comes.
On dit que Séville s’éveille à minuit: They say Seville wakes up at midnight.
Là-bas, Paris la ville s’éveille à minuit: Over there, Paris, the city wakes up at midnight

Paris tu paries Paris que je te quitte: Paris, wanna bet Paris that I’ll leave you.
Que je change: That I’ll change.
De cap de capitale: Of cape of capital
Paris tu paries Paris que je te quitte: Paris, wanna Paris bet that I’ll leave you.
Que je te plaque: That I’ll dump you.
Sur tes trottoirs sales: On your dirty pavements.


A Toulouse il a plu: In Toulouse it was raining
A Séville j’ai trop bu: In Seville I drank too much
A Rio j’ai eu le mal du pays: In Rio I was home-sick
Oh ! pari perdu: Oh! Lost bet.
Je retourne vivre à Paris: I’m going back to live in Paris.