Les Relais Routiers
Chez Léon1 is one of Paris’ last ‘routier‘.
These affordable restaurants on the side of the roads (routes) throughout France, serve up traditional home-cooking. The kind you would expect at your French grand-mother’s. And they do it with pride.

- On épluche : we peel
- On émince : we slice finely
- On taille nos légumes : we carve our vegetables
- On fait mijoter : se slow-cook
- On poche : we poach
- On déglace : we deglaze
- On blanchit : we parboil
- On saisit : we sear
- On poêle : we pan fry
- On découpe : we cut up
- On tranche nos viandes : we slice our meats
- On dresse : we plate
- Bref, ici on cuisine ! : in short, here, we cook!